Privio App.

Private video sharing platform

Group 28
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About Privio

Privio is an app that allows companies to share movies privately and securely with their potential buyers. In other words, they offer a Private Preview, hence the name Privio. All the content displayed in the app is copy-protected.

Group 889

User flow

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Initially, our team’s main task was to adapt the existing desktop application for mobile. However, as the application was pretty unorganized, we started the project with user research to understand how to fix some of the current issues for the mobile app.

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For the UX, we used wireframes to adapt the desktop version for mobile. Our main goal was to keep the application’s logic simple and intuitive so that it only took a couple of steps to register and log in.

When it came to the UI, we took the primary colors of the desktop application but corrected them to add more harmony. We made the same adjustments for the typography and icons, ending up with a polished and pleasant UI.

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Purple icons
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The dashboard is the main screen where users can manage their video uploads and add new videos. The videos are added from the button in the burger menu. These two features are intentionally made discrete, as the main focus of the application is to share a small amount of valuable video material.


In addition to sharing the videos, we also allowed the users to see the statistics of the video views, linked to IP addresses. Moreover, we also allowed them to create passwords for specific videos and add watermarks when needed.


Finally, we added the information section to add important information regarding the video like duration, category, or language. It works really fast and easy: the user chooses the video, adds the statistics and description, and sends it to the potential buyer!

Privio Application presentation
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