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Bigcommerce Web Designer

Best Bigcommerce Web Designer: get unlimited premium design, video, and website development services from the top 0.5% of talent, with 1-3 day turnaround on requests, and at the cost of hiring just one mid-level designer!

Access all of our services with a flexible design subscription

Graphic design

Branding and
UIUX design

Motion graphics and
video production

Marketing designs

Web development
and support

Get your assets as soon as tomorrow!

Premium design, videos & websites made affordable. Book a call to learn more and get started!

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46 reviews

What do you get with
our design subscription?

Unlimited requests

Subscribe and request as much as you need, as if you had a designer on your team. We'll handle all your tasks and revisions, focusing on one or two at a time, based on your subscription level.

Full ownership

Upon engaging with us, you gain full control and ownership over all designs, including source files, along with free access to numerous licenses, plugins, and tools.

No obligation contract

Subscribe and remain subscribed for as long as you wish, with the option to cancel whenever you choose. No concealed charges or penalties for cancellation exist; if you decide to cancel, the subscription will not continue the next month. You have the option to cancel through your account or by informing us.

Premium quality without the price tag

Discover Europe's elite branding, graphic design, motion graphics, video production, UI/UX, web design, and development talents at the cost of a mid-level designer. Enjoy high-end design agency offerings, including project management and art direction, without breaking the bank.

Seamless integration

We'll set up a ClickUp task board for your team to monitor progress. Feel free to email tasks or request integration with your current communication methods, whether it’s Slack or another platform, just inform us!

Flexibility and lightning speed

Our design agency is known for its quick response times, offering updates every 1-3 business days to ensure you're always informed promptly.

Featured in

Awwwards logo
Behance passionates
CSS design awards

Our pricing plans

Pause/cancel anytime


One request at a time
$2,999 every 2 weeks

Includes all services

Most popular


One request at a time
$4,999 / month

Includes all services


Two requests at a time
$9,999 / month

Includes all services

Become an affiliate

Do you know someone else who may be interested? Sign up as an affiliate and earn 7.5% recurring monthly commission for as long as they are subscribed!

How do our subscription design services
compare with hiring employees?

To get the same diversity, quantity, and quality of work done, you would need:

1 x Senior WordPress, Webflow or Shopify Developer
1 x Senior Graphic Designer
1 x Senior Web, UI/UX Designer
1 x Senior Motion Designer
1 x Senior DevOps or Server Expert

It would take months to find suitable candidates, and you would struggle to find senior specialists willing to work part-time!

Even if you find them, you would need to set up the project management flows and coordinate everyone’s efforts, requiring more management time.

Plus, you would need to take care of national insurance payments, employment benefits, and software expenses for all these professionals. By combining all of these, you will find that with our design subscription services, you’re essentially getting a premium in-house design agency for the cost of hiring a single mid-level designer.

Last but not least, you wouldn’t be able to “cancel” their employment like you can cancel our design subscription services if you don’t need any work done in a given month!

For reference our standard package
works out to $60k / £48k per year...

Get the job of 5 people done with the salary of 1

Frequently asked questions

No hidden conditions apply. Feel free to place as many service requests as you like. We’ll align on priorities and commence tasks in the agreed sequence for as long as your subscription is active. With the standard package, a single team member will handle your project at a time, meaning tasks are tackled one by one. Opt for the enterprise package, and we can address two tasks or requests at once.

Any task you assign, like designing a logo, revising current designs, or managing website upkeep, is a request for our team to work on your projects.

You’ll get a dedicated account manager to serve as your primary contact, managing processes, plans, and billing. Additionally, a project manager will coordinate behind the scenes, ensuring daily tasks are outlined, checked, and completed on schedule by the art director and senior designers on your project.

You can choose to pay with a card or through a bank transfer (be it international or local) based on what suits you best.

Our subscription is yours to use for any duration, with the freedom to cancel at will. There are no concealed charges or cancellation fines; it just won’t renew after the current month ends. To cancel, simply do so through your account or inform us.

To discover more or chat with an account manager, book a call. Ready to begin? Select a package at checkout, and we’ll promptly discuss your needs to kickstart your project.

Discover what we can do for you!

Bigcommerce Web Designer

In the dynamic digital marketplace, standing out amongst a sea of competitors requires not just a great product or service, but a visually compelling online presence. Among the plethora of eCommerce platforms available, BigCommerce has emerged as a powerhouse for businesses looking to scale and streamline their online operations. However, the true potential of a BigCommerce site is fully unlocked with the help of a skilled BigCommerce web designer. These professionals are pivotal in optimizing the functionality, aesthetic appeal, and customer experience of an online store. In this context, the role of a BigCommerce web designer cannot be overstated, forming the foundation for a successful online retail operation.

The significance of choosing the right BigCommerce web designer for your business is multifaceted. Not only does it influence the immediate visual appeal of your online storefront, but it also impacts user experience, site performance, and ultimately, sales conversion rates. This critical decision begs the question—how does one ensure they’re selecting the right BigCommerce web designer for their business needs?

Enter Passionate Design Agency, a beacon of innovation and creativity in the web design landscape. Offering unlimited premium design, video, and website development services at a fraction of the cost of traditional avenues, Passionate Design Agency is rapidly becoming the go-to solution for businesses seeking unparalleled digital excellence. Let’s delve deeper into why choosing a BigCommerce web designer from Passionate Design Agency trumps conventional routes like hiring in-house or engaging with a typical fixed-quote agency.

The traditional route of hiring an in-house BigCommerce web designer, while appealing for its promise of dedicated attention, comes with significant downsides. The most prominent of these is cost. The expense associated with maintaining an in-house designer goes beyond their salary, encompassing benefits, office space, and ongoing training costs. Additionally, the breadth of skills a single individual can offer is naturally limited, potentially necessitating further hires to fill the gaps in expertise.

On the other hand, fixed-quote agencies, although ostensibly offering a more cost-effective solution, often lead to budget overruns due to unforeseen requirements or iterations beyond the initial scope. Moreover, the quality of output can vary wildly, and the absence of a flexible, scalable service structure means businesses can quickly find themselves back at square one, seeking additional services or facing the need to switch agencies altogether.

Passionate Design Agency disrupts this conventional dichotomy with its innovative service models: Sprint, Standard, and Enterprise packages. With pricing structured at $2999 for every 2 weeks, $4999 per month, and $9999 for two concurrent requests, respectively, Passionate Design Agency places within reach the expertise of the top 0.5% of talent across Europe for essentially the cost of an average in-house designer. What sets Passionate Design Agency apart is not just their cost efficiency but their unparalleled commitment to quality and speed. Clients can anticipate deliverables within 1-3 working days, a testament to the Agency’s efficiency and dedication to client satisfaction.

Choosing a BigCommerce web designer from Passionate Design Agency means gaining access to a team of experts skilled not only in web design but across all facets of digital creativity including branding, UI/UX, graphic design, WordPress, Webflow, and Shopify development, video production, and motion graphics. This comprehensive suite of services ensures that businesses can entrust their entire digital presence to the hands of Passionate Design Agency without the need to juggle multiple contractors or agencies.

The comparison between hiring in-house, working with a typical fixed-quote agency, and partnering with Passionate Design Agency is stark. The latter not only offers a more cost-effective, scalable, and high-quality solution but also brings a level of convenience and operational efficiency unmatched by traditional models. For businesses venturing into the BigCommerce ecosystem, the choice of a BigCommerce web designer is pivotal. Passionate Design Agency not only recognizes this importance but meets it with a service offering designed to propel businesses to the forefront of their markets.

Having executed hundreds of website designs and development projects, Passionate Design Agency has established itself as a leader in the field. Their track record is a testament to their capability to deliver top-tier digital solutions that resonate with consumers and drive business success. By integrating the expertise of a BigCommerce web designer from Passionate Design Agency, businesses can rest assured that their online storefront will not just meet but exceed the expectations of their digital-savvy consumers.

In conclusion, as the digital landscape continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, the value of a high-quality, compelling online presence cannot be overstated. BigCommerce, as a platform, offers a solid foundation for businesses to build upon. However, it is the expertise of a BigCommerce web designer that transforms this foundation into a vibrant, engaging, and successful online business. With Passionate Design Agency, businesses have at their disposal a team of top-tier professionals, offering unlimited premium design and development services that provide not just a solution but a strategic advantage in the competitive digital marketplace. Choosing a BigCommerce web designer from Passionate Design Agency is not just an investment in web design—it’s an investment in the future success of your business.

We also provide unlimited premium graphic design, video, and website development services to businesses around the world including:

Are you looking for design, video and website development services?

Download our capabilities PDF to learn how our service compares to traditional agencies and to hiring in house designers!